Im gonna have a good day BOOK 2


By Paula Johnson Neal

It’s morning.  

Gabby sat up in bed, yawning while stretching her arms.  After wiping the sleep from her eyes, Gabby let out a loud, “WHAT!?”

Gabby’s bedroom was completely emptied of all her toys, television, and games.

Gabby yelled, “Mommy! Daddy!”   

Gabby’s mom and dad stood in the doorway, watching her search under the bed and in the closet.  

“Where are my toys?” said Gabby.

“We have decided to take away your toys.  Yesterday, you did not have a good day at school,” said her dad.

 “You must learn consequences for your actions,” said her mom.

 “What’s con-sis-sis?” said Gabby.  

“It is pronounced con-se-quen-ces,” said her mom.  

“Yeah, that’s what I said,” said Gabby. 

“Consequences are when your toys are taken away because of bad choices,” said her dad.

“But, I’d promised I’m going to have a good day at school,” said Gabby.

“You have said that many times before. You will earn your toys back by having better days.  How are you going to have better days?” said her dad.

“I’m going to use nice words,” said Gabby.

 “What else will you do?” said her dad.

Gabby’s mom and dad patiently waited for her response. 

 “I’m going to share,” said Gabby.

“Yes, sharing and waiting your turn,” said her mom.

“How will you ensure not to hurt your classmates?” said her dad.

“Um, I’m not going to pull Sophia’s chair,” said Gabby.

“Good, and no other classmate’s chair,” said her dad.

“You will apologize to Mrs. Beetle and your entire class,” said her mom.

“OK, mommy!  Can we get ice cream after school?” said Gabby.   

“No,“ said her parents. 

Gabby peeked around the corner into the classroom as Mrs. Beetle greeted her parents.   

“Good morning Mrs. Beetle. I’m going to have a good day,” said Gabby.

“Good morning Gabby.  Your parents shared all of the good choices you have agreed to make with your friends today,” said Mrs. Beetle. 

“Mrs. Beetle, Gabby is going to apologize to you and the entire class,” said her mom.

Mrs. Beetle smiled at Gabby’s parents and said, “Thank you.”

“Gabby, please help me gather your classmates for circle time,” said Mrs. Beetle. 

 Gabby rang the bell for circle time as the class gathered onto the carpet. 

“Friends, yesterday Gabby struggled with making good choices.  " She would like to speak with you this morning,” said Mrs. Beetle.

Gabby held her head down as she apologized.  “I’m sorry I called you names.  I'm sorry I hurt you, Sophia.  I'm going to have a good day.”

All of her classmates continued to sit quietly until Max said, “No, you’re not!” 

“Am too!” said Gabby.

“You always say that, Gabby. I’m not your friend!” said Sophia.

Mrs. Beetle said, “We all make mistakes.  Let’s give our friend Gabby another chance to use nice words and soft touches.”

“She’s always screaming.  It hurts our ears. Gabby, you need to breathe,” said Max.  

“Let’s all breathe,” said Mrs. Beetle.

Mrs. Beetle quietly instructed the class, “Sit crisscross applesauce, hands on knees, eyes closed. Now inhale, exhale, inhale, and exhale.  Let’s do it one more time.  Eyes closed, inhale, exhale, inhale, and now hold it. Good job.”     

Mrs. Beetle softly stated, “Gabby, thank you for your apology. Please remember to breathe and make good choices. If you need me, I will be close by.” 

During play, Gabby and Timothy built a tall block tower.  

“Let’s knock it down,” said Gabby.

“No, I’m still building,” said Timothy.  

Gabby ignored Timothy’s words and knocked over the blocks.   

Timothy shouted, “NO, Gabby!”   He watched, in tears, as the blocks crashed to the floor. 

Mrs. Beetle rushed over to Timothy to comfort him.  She turned her attention to Gabby and said, “Gabby, you ignored Timothy’s words.  Why?”

Gabby yelled, 


…I’m gonna have a good day!

….I’m gonna have a good day.”

Mrs. Beetle knelt to Gabby and filled her cheeks with air while crossing her eyes.  Gabby and Timothy watched and laughed as Mrs. Beetle exhaled.  

“Gabby, breathe with me. Let’s sit crisscross applesauce, hands-on needs, and close our eyes. " Now, exhale, exhale, and exhale,” said Mrs. Beetle.  

Gabby continued slowly inhaling, exhaling, inhaling, and exhaling as she listened to Mrs. Beetle softly say, “Breath, Gabby, Breathe.” 

Gabby became calm and opened her eyes as she heard Mrs. Beetle ask, “Better?”    

Gabby nodded her head, “Yes.”     

“Timothy, I’m sorry I made you sad when I knocked over the blocks.  Let’s build it again,” said Gabby.

“No, I’m finished. We can rebuild it later,” said Timothy as he walked away. 

Later, Gabby watched a group of children playing a game of “Duck, Duck, Goose!” 

“I WANT TO….,” Gabby paused, looked over at Mrs. Beetle, and decided to ask the children with nicer words. 

 “May I play?” said Gabby.

“Yes,” replied the children.

“It’s my turn. I’m the Ducker,” said Gabby.

“No, I’m the Ducker. You need to wait your turn,” said Layla.

Gabby impatiently shouted, “Pick ME! I’m the GOOSE!”

Layla picked a different friend.

Gabby became upset, closed her eyes, and tried to yell, “I’M GONNA…I’M GONNA....”  

But only loud screeching sounds came from her mouth. 

The children burst into laughter. 

Gabby peeked from one eye and burst into laughter.

“Breath, Gabby, Breathe!  YOU CAN DO IT!” said the children


Mrs. Beetle walked over to Gabby and gave her the biggest hug.

“Gabby, you made a really good choice.  Are you proud of yourself?”    

Gabby shook her head, “yes.”

Gabby asked, “Mrs. Beetle, will you tell my mommy and daddy I had a good day?” 

Mrs. Beetle replied, “I will inform your parents you had a better day.”

Gabby’s parents arrived at the end of the school day.  

“Mommy!  Daddy!  I had a…”   

Gabby quickly paused.  She looked over at Mrs. Beetle, then back at her parents, and said, “I had a better day.”  

Mrs. Beetle gave a yes nod to her parents. 

“Gabby, tomorrow we will continue to practice breathing,” said Mrs. Beetle.  

Gabby smiled as she playfully inhaled too much air, causing Mrs. Beetle and her parents to laugh while cheering, “BREATHE, GABBY, BREATHE!” 

Link to the beadboard/storyboards

        Final Design of the Background

Bedroom Options

Living Room Options

Classroom Options

School Gym Options

Outside Playground School 

She wants gabby to have a new outfit. 


 No hair showing at all. 
